Phoenix Rising

The  myth of the Phoenix has always been one of my favorites.  Don’t you think there’s just something too cool about a bird that has the wisdom to torch itself when it’s hit the proverbial wall – only to rise from the ashes as a new improved model?

I get to use this fabulous mythic creature as the mascot for my work.  How fun is that?

Phoenix Rising is all about corporate re-definition and re-invention. The concepts and process are based on the knowledge I’ve accumulated during my thirty something years in the technology business.

Phoenix Rising is NOT a one-size-fits-all process.  Actually, its as much art as it is science.

My goal is to offer a guide to recreating/reinventing your company, its products, its market position and most importantly –  how your customers and prospects think about and see you.

Phoenix Rising isn’t just for companies  who are in dire straights, although many of the concepts were developed as part of my turnaround work.

The fact is that successful companies reinvent themselves all the time in the face of changing markets and buyers.  The really great ones live multiple lives – rising to lead new and evolving markets. 

Want some examples? Just look at Apple, IBM, Microsoft and even database-centric Oracle. Now there’s a flock of Phoenix that have risen again, and again, and again.  

You can do the same.   You just have to think like a Phoenix.

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