Horizons of Opportunity

Opportunity is all around us. That’s why we need to focus, refocus, and refocus some more.

But staying with the same market focus, as our markets evolve and change, is a sure way to get stuck in Gravity.

We have to stay in sync with our markets if we want to reach sustainable, profitable growth. We must: 

  • Understand where our value resonates well
  • Sense when that resonance begins to fade
  • Search for our next opportunity and the next one after that.

Initial growth comes from focusing on specific markets that have a strong demand for our value.

Sustainable growth comes from dynamically adjusting our focus—in terms of our value and our opportunities.

Our market horizons continuously change, driven by any number of dynamic events: the inherent behaviors of business buyers; the competitive alternatives that appear when we least expect it; and economic pressures that can ground us for good—just to name a few.

Think of your markets as horizons of opportunity. As we head toward any point on that horizon, we may find updrafts and downdrafts, sheer or big business lift. That means we have to continuously watch our horizon for signs of change, realigning and tuning our business value, approaches and thinking to take best advantage of our current course and targets today, while simultaneously planning an intercept course with emerging market opportunities for tomorrow’s growth. 

It often seems obvious which markets offer the best opportunities. But that’s part of the challenge. We think it’s obvious because we’re stuck in our status quo beliefs. That keeps us rumbling along in pursuit of our known and comfortable markets. Even as our markets change, evolve and move on.

Nothing stays the same; neither should your market focus.

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