Defining Engagement

If you engage people on a vital, important level, they will respond. ~Edward Bond

Engagement is one of the oft pandied new buzz words. B2C and B2B vendors alike are all giddily rushing into social media to ‘engage’ their buyers. 

the lures for engagement resemble 

Yet I have to wonder how many of us have stopped to define what engagement means to our audiences? 

What’s Not Engagement?

Still measuring engagement the same way as we did when we pushed information out and people had to come to us to get it.  The world changed – our buyers changed – we need to change too.

Engagement is not a single, one way action. Stop acting like it is. In business, as in internet dating, just because someone clicks on your profile it doesn’t mean they are interested. They have to do more, way more.

Engagement is not about one action, or a couple of actions, on the part of your buyer. Engagement is about an ongoing, bi-directional communication. 

Opens and clicks…. 

ReTweets – please, most of the people who retweet never even read the content they are retweeting. Research and infographics on when to tweet to get maximum RTs.  Even suggest asking for Rts – thats just plain pathetic. a) you have no way of knowing if people who RT or see those RTs are potential buyers of your offerings b) I want to see the statstictis that link # of RTs to revenue increases c) how many bills can you pay with all those RTs? 

Shares – 

What is Engagement? 


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