Your Unconscious Mind: At Your Service

Unconscious Mind

We’ve all been told that the unconscious mind represents the dark side of humans. Even with the discoveries of modern mind science concerning the true power of the unconscious mind.

The urban legend continues. Probably because the scary movies, games and novels portray that evil lives in the unconscious. Then there’s the turn of the last century psychology that’s still embraced by some. Plus our unconscious does harbor all of the less than helpful instincts, limiting beliefs and negative behavior patterns that bring out the dark side, the very dark side, in we humans.

The truth is that our unconscious mind isn’t the dark side. It’s  simply following our lead.

Our unconscious mind is designed to serve us. Whether it be recalling a memory of that first big sale or swinging our golf club with our own special form – our unconscious serves up whatever we ask it for in any given situation. What it thinks we ask it for or expect.

That includes the expectations and behaviors that don’t appear to serve us on the surface. For example, our fear of snakes, knee jerk defensive reactions and that pesky sugar habit. The reality is – we created those expectations, thanks to where we focused our attention.

Your Unconscious Mind Needs Clarity

Our unconscious minds need clear direction to serve us well. Very clear direction. That’s why we end up with those pesky habits.

You see, our unconscious mind doesn’t understand a negative. Nor does it have it’s own independent processor to decide what’s good or what’s bad.  It learns from us, from our experiences, expectations and the way we talk to ourselves.

Which is why it’s so important to be very clear when we talk to ourselves. Our unconscious mind is listening and learning to every word we say.

  • Pay attention to what you want. Be clear, concise and focused. Only say things that are focused on your goal. Pivot toward what you want vs paying attention to what you do not want.
  • Focus on what’s working. Modeling success empowers your unconscious mind to positively serve you. The more successes you notice and pay attention to, the more success your unconscious mind learns. The more successes it learns, the more positively it will serve you.
  • Monitor your self talk. Every single time you tell the story of your problems or woes, your unconscious imprints that story as truth.  When you’re day dreaming and grousing, you’re directly telling your unconscious mind that you expect to experience whatever you’re grousing about. That grousing sets your expectations, which determine which data you search for from your world – you literally will seek  to experience that sad story.

The Bottom Line

Our unconscious is designed to serve us. We determine how our unconscious serves by the way we pay attention and focus.

What are you paying attention to, right now?

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