Powerful Science Behind the Law of Attraction

law of attraction

The Law of Attraction (LOA) states that like attracts like. For humans that means that what we think about is what we will receive in our world.

I’ve been a believer in the LOA for a while now. I took a lot of ribbing from my logical associates in the high technology market. They snickered at what they saw as my woo woo magic. I smiled, gave them examples from my life and they, well, they usually kept snickering.

Today, discoveries in quantum biology, neural linguistics, quantum mechanics, brain mapping and more are providing scientific evidence that supports the  validity of the Law of Attraction. Guess I wasn’t so woo woo after all, now was I?

I think the implications of these discoveries point to the next generation in human evolution.

What if your point of attention does determine what you experience in your life?

What if you can literally change your life by changing your mind, e.g. the way you think and the focus of your attention?

What if you can choose the future you will live by changing the expectations that select your reality?

Thanks to scientific discoveries about the way our minds select, process and act on data from our world, we’re learning that we do literally select our own personal reality.

Law of Attraction and Our Minds

Quantum biologists have discovered that our unconscious minds take in over 11M bits/second of sensory data. We then select a tiny amount of from that enormous data stream, approximately 126 bits/second.

We select our specific data based on our attention-driven expectations we’ve created throughout our lives. The data we select forms the basis of what we perceive as our experience, our reality. This data is given to our conscious minds for processing, analysis and response.

That, my friends, is quantum mechanics in action. Why? Quantum mechanics states that at any point in time we have multiple potential streams of reality in our path. We each select one of those realities. That’s exactly how our mind works when it selects its 126 bits/second out of that 11M bit stream.

How many other realities exist in the data that we do not select? The opportunities are limitless. Which is why the law of attraction works in life and in business. 

The Bottom Line

The discoveries of mind science are highlighting the limitless power of our minds. I’ve experienced this power in my life.  After living through the most traumatic times imaginable, I was down, hard.

Then I learned the truth about my mind, and the power within it. I learned how to shift my mind and attention to literally shift my experience. Today, I’m living the life of my dreams. All thanks to the power of my mind, a power I learned to focus and control.

You have the same power. If you’d like to understand more about how to take control of it and your world, read The Science of Paying Attention.

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