Mirror Mirror in Your Mind, Who’s the Best Mirror You Can Find?


Think you’re an original?

You might want to think again.

We all have something called mirror neurons in our brains.  Although their presence has been debated since the early 19th century, thanks to today’s neuroscience, we now know these mirrors exist.

More importantly,  we are beginning to understand their power.

Mirror neurons perform a very simple function: They  unconsciously fire when we watch someone else do  an action.  They then also unconsciously fire when we perform that same action. Yep – these neurons fire to train us to mimic others’ actions.

Which begs the question, “Are we originals?  Or are we merely mimics of the behaviors we’ve experienced throughout our lives?”

A significant portion of our lives is steeped in mimicry. Think about it:

  • How many times have you caught yourself picking up a simple habit of a new boss.  Maybe the way she taps her pen on the table, flourishes a marker or even how he takes his coffee? Have you ever heard your voice mirroring the words and beliefs of that same boss? Or the boss before or before?  Yep – our mirror neurons have very long memories.
  • We all know that when 2 people live together, as partners of friends, we tend to pick up the habits of the other partner.
  • Then there’s the inevitable time when you open your mouth and out comes, well, the voice of your mother. Or father. Saying or doing something learned by those mirror neurons oh so long ago. By the way, these mirror neurons are why we reach for the same dish washing detergent or brand of cereal our parents had in our childhood.

So what does that say about creating innovation, breakout thinking and new behaviors in our business?  Especially since welearn about business from, well, everyone around us in that business.

How to Change Your Mind’s Mirror

How do we re-program our mirror neurons so we can be original instead of mere mimics?   We think.   We pay attention. Consciously.  I know, we all think we are conscious.  But we’re not.  Not Really. We can’t be conscious when 95% of our thoughts and behaviors are determined by our unconscious mind… and our conscious mind never gets involved.

So the next time you hear your boss’ words coming out of your mouth (or your last boss’ words, simply STOP.  Ask yourself what you really believe.  What’s real right now. How do you want to act? You do have your own mind, after all.

Now that I think about it,  our mirror neurons may be the reason that just plain bad habits, behaviors and beliefs are  passed along throughout our society.  From bad business beliefs to crappy behaviors in society – which are readily apparent around us.

Here’s a question for you. What if we consciously selected the best possible behaviors to mirror in business and life?  How much more productive, powerful and innovative would we become?

We all have the mirroring neurons. So let’s choose who and what to mirror very, very carefully.



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