A Glossary to Your Mind


There are so many new terms around neuroscience, as well as unfamiliar aspects of ancient wisdom and the esoteric sciences. Then there are the terms I’ve created to simplify some of the rather tedious concepts. 

This glossary shares short definitions of key terms. If you have a term that’s not here, let me know and I’ll add it! The same goes if you have questions. I’m always here to answer and discuss anything you need.

Ancient Wisdom

Ancient wisdom refers to the timeless knowledge and practices passed down through generations from ancient civilizations. These teachings, rooted in profound understanding and observation of the natural world, encompass spiritual insights, healing techniques, and philosophical concepts. They remind us of our innate power and connection to the universe, often aligning with modern scientific discoveries in surprising ways. By integrating ancient wisdom into our lives, we can tap into a deeper, more intuitive understanding of ourselves and the world around us.


Attention is the mental focus and awareness we direct toward specific stimuli or thoughts. It's the gateway to our experiences, shaping our reality by filtering the vast amount of sensory information we receive every moment. What we pay attention to grows stronger in our minds, influencing our emotions, actions, and outcomes. By consciously directing our attention to positive and empowering thoughts, we can reprogram our minds to create a more fulfilling and unstoppable life.

Attention Density

Attention density is the mental act of focusing attention that creates or holds in place brain circuits associated with what is focused on.” Dr Jeffrey M Schwartz

Neuroscience and quantum physics research tells us that if you focus long enough, hard enough and often enough, you can change your neural pathways and brain circuitry. Changing the neural pathways and circuitry is the equivalent of creating or changing mindware programs.


Beliefs are the mental constructs we hold about ourselves, others, and the world. They are formed through our experiences, teachings, and societal influences, often operating unconsciously. These beliefs shape our perceptions and behaviors, acting as the software that runs our mental programs. By identifying and reshaping limiting beliefs, we can unlock our true potential and rewrite the script of our lives.


The brain is the complex organ within our skull that serves as the command center for our nervous system.  Think of the brain as the hardware, and your mindware apps as the software for your quantum mind. Our brain's remarkable plasticity allows it to adapt and change throughout our lives, supporting the idea that we can rewire our thinking patterns and behaviors through focused attention and practice.

Critical Faculty

Our critical faculty refers to the internal filter we use to interpret of how the world works, and what is true and false. Every individual’s critical faculty is based on what each of our unconscious mind’s learned, rightly or wrongly, since we were born. Our individual critical faculty develops around seven to eight years old.

Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is the part of our mind that is aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It is the seat of our reasoning, decision-making, and intentional actions. While it processes a small fraction of the sensory information we receive, it plays a crucial role in directing our attention and shaping our reality. By harnessing the power of our conscious mind, we can guide our unconscious mind toward more positive and empowering outcomes.

Esoteric Buddhism

Mystical practices and esoteric sects are found in all forms of Buddhism. Buddhist mysticism (including the philosophical school of Chan), like other forms of mysticism, insists on the ineffability of the mystical experience, because it is not intelligible to anyone who has not had a similar experience. Mystical knowledge is not intellectual but is “felt knowledge” that views things in a different perspective and gives them new significance. 

Esoteric Sciences

Esoteric sciences are a diverse group of religious traditions that share cultural marginality or a focus on teaching a select group. Common to Esoteric groups is a belief that human spirits or souls have forgotten their state as divine beings and are ignorant of the means of escape. It is their task to acquire the knowledge and tools needed in order to be free of the body and return to their purely spiritual home. The term was coined in the 18th century to describe Western belief structures based on Hermetic and Gnostic traditions. The concept emerged in 19th-century Western Europe as a way to categorize traditions with a longer history in European societies, including: Alchemy, Astrology, Ceremonial magic, Hermetism, Kabbala, and Rosicrucianism.


Gestalt is a psychological concept that refers to our ability to perceive patterns and wholes rather than just individual components. It emphasizes the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, highlighting how our minds naturally organize and interpret sensory information. This holistic approach can help us understand and integrate our experiences more fully, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.  I talk about “pearls” in our minds, as a simple visual of minware apps. When these pearls form strings, they create gestalt-like perceptions and responses.

Habit Loop

A habit loop is the brain's way of creating and maintaining habits, consisting of three key parts: the cue (or trigger), the routine (the behavior itself), and the reward (the benefit we get from the behavior). These loops can be positive, helping us form beneficial routines, or negative, reinforcing unwanted behaviors. By understanding and reshaping our habit loops, we can change our automatic behaviors and improve our lives.


Hermeticism is related to a wider intellectual current known as Gnosticism. Both flourished in the complex Greco-Egyptian culture of the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. They shared the goal of allowing the soul to escape from the material realm, and emphasizing a personal knowledge of God. Hermetism branched into two main classes: “popular” Hermetism, which deals with astrology and the other occult sciences; and “learned” Hermetism, which is concerned with theology and philosophy. Hermeticism influenced the creation of Rosicrucianism and the Hermetic societies of 18th century Europe, intellectuals including Carl Yung and Sir Isaac Newton and so much more.


Hypnotherapy is a mind method that communicates with the unconscious mind. While most people view hypnosis as the popular entertainment when someone is on a big stage, that’s not the use in mind coaching. In Mind Coaching, I use hypnotherapy methods in conjunction with other methods, to effectively communicate with the unconscious mind to release negative behaviors, beliefs and emotions. I also used these methods to add new positive mindware that fuels desired and empowered behaviors, beliefs, and emotions. And yes, I can also bring people onto a platform and make them quack like a duck, but that’s such a poor and wasteful use of a powerful mind method.


Huna is an ancient Hawaiian spiritual and healing tradition, encompassing a philosophy of living in harmony with oneself and the universe. Kahunas are the practitioners of Huna, often considered shamans or healers, who possess deep knowledge of spiritual and physical healing practices. Huna teaches principles such as interconnectedness, the power of the mind, and the importance of positive energy, offering profound insights into creating a balanced and empowered life.

Many Worlds Theory of Quantum Mechanics

The Many Worlds Theory of quantum mechanics, suggests that every possible outcome of a quantum event exists in its own separate potential. This means that there are countless parallel forward paths where different versions of ourselves can live out different possibilities, depending on what we focus on and select at any moment in time. 

Mind Methods or Mind Shifting

Mind methods are the practices we leverage to release limiting mindware apps and replace them with apps that reflect what you truly want to experience in your life. Some mind methods are from my many trainings and work wiht my masters. Others are methods I developed and first used on myself, then with select clients. They are tested and confirmed to deliver results! Some methods you can do yourself. These I offer in posts, videos and newsletters. Others, that work more deeply using more sophisticated science and wisdom, are only for use in 1-1 coaching sessions. I don’t share those publicly.


Mindware refers to the mental programs and frameworks that shape our thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions. Conscious and unconscious mindware navigates our lives, from the skills and knowledge we retain, to the way we experience our reality.

Mindware Apps

Mindware apps are specific mental programs or habits that run in our minds, similar to software applications on a computer. These apps can be positive, helping us achieve our goals and maintain a healthy mindset, or they can be negative, reinforcing limiting beliefs and unhealthy patterns. By identifying and reprogramming our mindware apps, we can change the direction and experience of our lives.

Mind Design

Our mind design refers to exactly what it says, how our minds were designed to serve us. Our minds are designed to give us the power to literally define our experience and our lives. We’ve simply forgotten the depth and breadth of our power in our modern times. 

Mind Magic

Mind magic refers to the methods and techniques I use to harness the innate capabilities of our unconscious mind to transform our life experiences. By blending ancient and modern science, we access the power to shape our lives in extraordinary ways, tapping into the limitless potential within us.

NLP, Neurolinguistic Programming

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is another mind method that’s used to reprogram limiting mindware apps that are creating undesired behaviors, beliefs an emotions. NLP is porven to achieve desired outcomes with regard to PTSD, trauma and anxiety. The popularity of neuro-linguistic programming or NLP has become widespread since it started in the 1970s. Its uses include treatment of phobias and anxiety disorders and improvement of workplace performance or personal happiness.


Neuroplasticity or brain plasticity is defined as the ability of the brain and neural system to change its activity in response to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli. By reorganizing its structure, functions, or connections, we change and expand our mindware and our capabilities. Until recently, science believed that our neuroplasticity, or ability to expand our minds, ceased around age 25.  We’ve now learned that our neuroplasticity can and will adapt our minds throughout our lives, with enough attention density on the change.


Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system, particularly the brain, and how it influences behavior, cognition, and emotions. By exploring the intricate workings of our brain and nervous system, neuroscience provides insights into how our brains and bodies function.


Preferences are the likes, dislikes, and tendencies that shape our choices and behaviors. They are influenced by our experiences, beliefs, and cultural background. By understanding our preferences, we can make more conscious decisions that align with our true selves and create a life that reflects our deepest desires and values.

PTSD Treatments

PTSD treatments are therapeutic approaches designed to help individuals recover from post-traumatic stress disorder. Traditional methods include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).  While the US continues to recommend these traditional therapies and pharmacological solutions, other nations have shifted to recommend methods based on the mind work that I do. Studies have shown that mind work treatments are up to 90% more effective in reducing PTSD symptoms. By leveraging these mind-focused, I offer healing to those affected by trauma.  Just as they healed my trauma when traditional therapy made me even more powerless. 

Jewish Qabalah 

Jewish Qabalah, or Kabbalah, is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between the unchanging, eternal God—the mysterious Ein Sof (אֵין סוֹף‎, 'The Infinite')—and the mortal, finite universe (God's creation). It forms the foundation of mystical religious interpretations within Judaism. Traditional practitioners believe its earliest origins pre-date world religions, forming the primordial blueprint for Creation's philosophies, religions, sciences, arts, and political systems.

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is an advanced field of technology that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to process information in fundamentally new ways. Unlike classical computers, which use bits to represent data as 0s or 1s, quantum computers use qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously, executing the Many Worlds Theory. This allows quantum computers to solve complex problems much faster and in a multi-dimensional way, opening new possibilities for innovation and discovery.

Quantum Field/Energetic Field

The quantum field, also known as the energetic field, is the fundamental field that underlies all physical reality. It is composed of fluctuating energy and potential, giving rise to particles and forces through quantum interactions. This field connects everything in the universe, suggesting that we are all interconnected at a fundamental level. By understanding and working with the quantum field, we can tap into the limitless potential of the universe to create the reality we desire. 

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that studies the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels. It reveals that particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously and that their properties are inherently probabilistic. For example, in a research facility in Europe, half the scientists were told they would see a particle in a viewer. The other half were told they would see a wave. Each group of scientists saw exactly what they were told they would see, regardless of the actual state of the energy in the viewer. This groundbreaking field challenges our traditional understanding of reality and opens up new ways of thinking about the nature of existence and our place in the universe.

Quantum Mind

The Quantum Mind concept explores the intersection of quantum mechanics and consciousness, suggesting that our minds operate at a quantum level, far beyond classical boundaries. This idea posits that our thoughts, intentions, and consciousness can influence the quantum field, shaping our reality in profound ways. By understanding and harnessing the power of the Quantum Mind, we can tap into the limitless potential of the universe, transcending traditional limitations and creating a life that aligns with our highest aspirations and deepest desires. This blend of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science opens up new possibilities for personal transformation and the realization of our true, unstoppable selves.


Reality is the sum of all that is real or existent within a system, encompassing everything that can be observed and experienced. It is shaped by our perceptions, beliefs, and attention, suggesting that our individual realities are unique and subjective. By becoming aware of how we create our reality through our mind and attention, we can consciously choose to shape a life that aligns with our true potential.


The Rosicrucian movement has its roots in the mystery traditions, philosophy, and myths of ancient Egypt dating back to approximately 1500 BC. In antiquity the word “mystery” referred to a special gnosis, a secret wisdom. In ancient Egypt select bodies or schools were formed to explore the mysteries of life and learn the secrets of this hidden wisdom. The mystery schools, over centuries of time, gradually evolved into great centers of learning, attracting students from throughout the known world.


Science-based refers to practices, methods, and concepts that are grounded in scientific evidence and principles. It emphasizes the importance of empirical data, rigorous experimentation, and objective analysis. By integrating science-based approaches with ancient wisdom, we can develop effective strategies for personal growth and transformation that are both credible and powerful.

Sensory Information

Sensory information is the data we receive from our senses, including sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. This information is processed by our mind to create our perception of reality. Our unconscious mind filters and prioritizes this sensory input, shaping our experiences and reactions. By becoming more aware of how we process sensory information, we can influence our perceptions and create more positive and empowering experiences.

Status Quo Bias

Status Quo bias is a cognitive bias which is inherent programming in humans. We are pre-programmed with a preference to maintain our current status over any change. Change is programmed to be risky and avoided unless there is powerful evidence that it is safe and necessary. Some humans are less moved by the status quo bias, embracing change vs avoiding it. Status quo bias is so strong that I wrong my 2nd book about its negative impacts and result in business, called Defy Gravity.

Survival Mind, Fight Flight or Freeze Instinct

Survival mind, or FFF instinct, is a mindware program that is inherent in all humans from the moment we are born. The instinct was designed as we evolved into our cave person ancestors. Its purpose was simple: Protect our early ancestors from being hurt or killed. It was created as part of our mind design during a time when threats were occasional incidents. A wooly mammoth or saber toothed tiger attack. Or perhaps a competing clan visiting in an aggressive way. It was not designed for our modern world with the constant state of threat. Consequently, it creates anxiety, overwhelm,panic and a variety of phsyical symptoms that wreak havoc on our lives.

Technology of Your Mind

The technology of your mind refers to the advanced and sophisticated ways in which your mind operates to shape your experiences and reality. This includes the neural processes, cognitive functions, and unconscious mechanisms that drive your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By understanding and harnessing this mental technology, you can unlock your potential and design a life that reflects your true desires and capabilities.


The Toltec were an ancient civilization known for their profound spiritual and philosophical teachings. Their wisdom, often shared through oral tradition and later recorded by scholars, emphasizes living in harmony with oneself and the universe. Toltec teachings focus on personal transformation, awareness, and the mastery of intent, offering valuable insights into how we can reclaim our power and create a fulfilling life.

Traditional Therapy

Traditional therapy encompasses conventional psychological treatments such as talk therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and psychoanalysis. These methods focus on understanding and resolving emotional and mental health issues through structured sessions with a trained therapist. Traditional therapists help the conscious mind cope with the problems and issues someone is facing, by focusing on the problems, exploring and analyzing them.

Unconscious Mind

The unconscious mind is the vast, hidden part of our mental landscape that operates below the level of conscious awareness. It controls many of our automatic responses, behaviors, and underlying beliefs. The unconscious mind processes immense amounts of sensory information and influences our reality without us even realizing it. By learning to communicate with and reprogram our unconscious mind, we can transform our lives and achieve our fullest potential.

Unstoppable Place

I call the sensory moments that are filled with your dreams and goals, enhanced by your oh so powerful unconscious mind, your Unstoppable Place. You create Unstoppable Places using your imagination, then fuel them with heightened sensory inputs, wrapping the imagined moment with the language of your unconscious mind. Unstoppable Places give us a way to direct our attention to what we want, communicating effectively with our unconscious. We use them in a variety of ways to reclaim the lives we truly want. 


The Power We Forgot


Understanding Your Mindware