Your Quantum Mind

Quantum Mind

Imagine, having a quantum mind that has the ability to select the reality you experience. How cool would that be?

Guess what. It’s true. 

The Many Worlds Theory of quantum mechanics states that there are a limitless number of optional outcomes (past and future) in any situation. Which of those possibilities becomes reality depends on the next step, selection, or action that occurs.  

Imagine a limitless number of paths stretching out in front of you, each leading to a different experience. Many Worlds says that we select one of those paths to move forward and that act selects one of those paths as our next experience, one of nearly limitless options for our “reality.” 

When I heard that theory, I knew it was true. All I had to do was to watch a football game with 2 guys rooting for 2 different teams. Talk about Many Worlds theory in action. They each saw a totally different game, especially when the refs called a foul …

Your Quantum Mind

We all know that our decisions influence our immediate future. Do we turn left or right? Pick the blue pill or the red pill?  Our choices in every nanosecond influence our next experience and the next and the next. 

So what does that have to do with your quantum mind? 


Quantum mechanics applies to every human. And not just energetically. Our unconscious minds take their lead from quantum mechanics when it comes to Many Worlds and many options.

Here’s a simplistic view of the science.  

We take in over 11M bits/second of sensory information. Information we collect through our eyes, ears, feelings and other senses.

Contrary to what many of us were taught, our conscious mind does not process the information we consume. Our unconscious mind manages our information flow.

From that 11M bits/second, our unconscious mind selects 126 bits/second to give to our conscious mind for processing and action. 

You read that right. We select only .0000122 of the total information available to us as our moment to moment basis for our experience. 

I know, that’s hard to imagine. So here’s an analogy.

  • Imagine a stack of toothpick boxes a mile high. That’s the data you take into your mind every single second.

  • Now pick one box of toothpicks from that stack. That’s the amount of data you select as your reality, your experience, every single  second.

Talk about selective attention! 

So Many Questions

I’m a high-tech, data-processing kid. When I originally found this science, I had so many many questions.

Any data scientist would see that tiny filter and question the validity of selecting only that minuscule fraction of data as the only possible data to use. Yet this isn’t about data filtering. It’s about our lives, our very realities. 

I just had to ask:

  • What about all that other information we take in?

  • How many other realities are present in that 99.99% of data we ignore?

  • How many different experiences could we construct from that deleted data IF we simply selected different data? 

And most importantly….

How do I select that tiny bit of data?  Can I change how I select it so I select what I really want to experience??? 

Ah, that’s the key.

How DO We Select Our Reality? 

It’s simple, and yet it’s not. 

Our fundamental beliefs, perceptions and biases are all formed from our earliest attention. We then expand and augment them through our continued attention.

Our minds use our attention, and the specific attention density, to define our experience. The more we focus on something, the more likely we are to experience it.

What’s attention density? It’s the depth of attention blended with the amount of time paying attention. Neuroscience and quantum physics research tells us, if you focus long enough, hard enough and often enough, you can change your neural pathways and brain circuitry. This is attention density. Changing neural pathways and brain circuitry is the scientific way of saying we create and change what I call our mindware apps.

Our minds create mindware apps, based on our attention. Once formed, these apps guide our quantum mind to filter the vast data sets we ingest from the world around us. Since we take in far too much data for our minds to actually process, our mind selects a very small, finite set of data that becomes our reality.

Our minds select our specific information based on our individual mindware, just as a search engine selects the specific information that matches our search term.

Your quantum mind is designed to assume that your attention and what you expect are what you want to experience.

What you or I select is based on our individual mindware and, to some degree, our current point of focus. That’s true for everyone on the planet. 

Simply put we select the data that matches the beliefs we hold, the things we just know to be true, the principles, values and just plain facts that we hold dear. 

Want to make a bet about how many of us select the same 126 bits? Not even.

The bottom line is that we each live in a reality of our very own selection. A reality that we choose and interact with based on our own individual expectations. No two realities are alike.

Think back to that argument after a critical foul called in a sports game -  where you have opposing fans in the same room. Or think back to that book you loved, that your associate disliked so much.  You each describe it as if it were a different book. 

Our quantum mind explains why multiple people can and do respond to the same stimulus with  very unique perspectives. 

The Power to Change

Understanding we all select our unique reality is phase one.  How do we change what we choose to select and then experience as our unique reality?

That’s where understanding your unconscious mind comes in.  We spend so much of our lives analyzing and evaluating with our conscious minds.   That’s not where your true power lives. At All. 


  • Transforming that bad day into an unstoppable sequence of positive events.

  • Replacing the anxiety you feel about the world and your life with unwavering confidence and progress. 

  • Shifting from that weight of  feeling unworthy to knowing your value, your place in this world and living in that exact reality 

That’s the power of your quantum mind. I used it to leave behind the powerless and trauma of my horribly tortured little girl. It’s how I become Unstoppable. 

You have the power to shift your world, by shifting your focus and expectations. From painful to powerful, from worthless to oh so worthy, from fearful to fully fulfilled.  

When we learn to pay attention to what we want, we change what our unconscious mind thinks we want.  It changes the information we select from the ocean of data around us.

As a result, we can and do shift our lives.

Want to learn more about the power of your attention?

Download my short read, The Power of Attention.

You can also check out my article and infographic, originally published in The Huffington Post

Image courtesy of mars85


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