The Power We Forgot


Our minds are the perfect blend of innovation, technology and a little bit of magic. 

Our minds are designed to make us unstoppable, yet over the centuries we have forgotten that power. Until now.

I’ve spent my life working with advanced technologies in high-tech and bio-tech. Yet it was only after I recovered memories of childhood torture that I began to fully appreciate the amazing technology and magic, right here in my mind. 

I’m sharing this post because the lessons I’ve learned about our forgotten power have changed my life and many others. In our madcap world, I believe that we can create the experience we want, no matter what is around us. We’ve simply forgotten our power, with a lot of help from societal programming.

The Power We Forgot

The technology of our human minds is the power to literally direct our lives. To shift from surviving to thriving, from feeling unworthy to knowing we are unstoppable. Our minds are magnificently designed to serve us in ways we were never taught, that most of us don’t really know about. 

We have the power to create our lives, to use our minds to direct our futures.

When we know how to use them.  

How Did We Get Here?

Instead, we’ve been taught to believe out-dated, turn of the 20th century psychology (yes, that’s over one hundred years old) that withers in the face of modern neuroscience. 

Ancient alchemists, esoteric scientists and magicians, the wizards in our “fairy tales” of old, already knew the truths about our minds, truths that we are only uncovering today. They used different words, focused more on the power being magic rather than an innate human design. Today many pooh pooh their wisdom. Yet they understood the powers of our minds. They used them to accomplish tasks that we still wonder at today. 

Across the globe, ancient wise men realized the same powers, wrote about them, created esoteric doctrines that are so similar in their fundamentals. From the Qabalah, or Secret Wisdom of Israel, and Rosicrucianism, to the schools of Esoteric Buddhism across Tibet, China and India, to the various European schools emerging in the 14th century, to the Kahunas of Hawaii, and the Toltecs of South America. The ancient wisemen created esoteric sciences and practices that aligned with and used the inherent power of our minds.

Many believe the fairy tales and stories of their amazing works are fiction and fantasy. I don’t. I believe the ancients studied and understood these powers, wrote about them, and were free to use them as the “magicians” to the kings, pharaohs, and gods.  

Then things changed. I have my own suspicions about why this power was suddenly hidden from mere mortals. But that’s another story.

When We Forgot

For whatever reasons, our innate mind design and resulting powers were no longer discussed openly. Anyone who shared those powers was scorned, branded as a witch and burned at the stake, stoned, skinned alive or worse. Or they were called insane and shunned as their crazy selves.

Humans were taught we are less, that we are all broken, dependent on an external force or forces for grace, in debt to that force for our very lives. Little by little we forgot our powers and succumbed to our programming. 

As the centuries passed, we forgot the powerful beings we were meant to be. Some retained the knowledge, passed it down to the select few who continued to create magical, outstanding lives. The powers of our innate mind designs were forgotten by mere mortals. 


Many of us are remembering our power. Right now. The renaissance of spiritual focus is supported by modern neuroscience as it unearths evidence that explains the how behind the “fantasy” of ancient wisdom and practices.

We are in the midst of a magnificent blending of modern science with ancient wisdom and knowledge, a blending that promises to change each of our worlds.  

We are learning yet again how to be Unstoppable.

Image courtesy of timothyreeves


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