Undeniable Proof of Our Limitless Power

Neurobusiness, leadership and Business change

What if we knew we had limitless power, over our external and internal reality? Everything would change, now wouldn’t it?

Well hang on folks. Here’s some evidence of our power that every human on this planet needs to know.

We Do Have the Power

Prior to the early 1900’s, most of US medicine was focused on more energetic, integrated and complementary approaches to healing, such as osteopathy and chiropracty. In 1910 the Carnegie Foundation funded and published a report that called for medical practices to be based on science. The momentum (and money) behind this movement changed the course of medicine in our country. Scientific dogma replaced our belief in our own power. The booming medical industry was born.

Today, we’re finally coming full circle as more of us shift to alternative and complementary medical approaches. Simultaneously, researchers are once again proving the power of our minds to control our cells, our health and our lives.

Once pooh poohed as random accidents, natural healing is now the subject of numerous research projects.  Consider these results:

  • The Baylor School of Medicine studied surgical results for patients with debilitating knee pain. Patients were split into three groups. Group 1 had a normal knee surgery. Group 2 had a different but standard surgical intervention. Group 3 patients were opened up and then closed with no surgical intervention. Group 3 patients were told that they had surgical treatment. The results: Group 3 patients improved just as much as their Group 1 and 2 counterparts. They were only told the truth about their surgery two years later, as they were leading normal active lives.
  • In 2002 Professor Irving Kirsch noted that in FDA clinical trials, placebo drug results mirrored the results of antidepressants (within 10%). Patients who were told they were taking antidepressants had the same positive results as those who were on the drugs. This phenomenon, knows as the placebo affect, is documented in hundreds of research studies. By the way, Kirsch had to petition under the Freedom of Information Act to retrieve clinical data from the FDA. And in case you’re interested, antidepressant sales are around ~$13B annually.
  • I’m personally blessed to have two walking miracles in my life. Robert was diagnosed with advanced AIDS and given 2 months to live. No one at his state of the disease, and the deadly secondary infections it brings, had ever survived more than 4 months. Charles was diagnosed with an advanced GBM IV brain tumor and given less than 6 months, with surgical intervention. In both cases we used hypnotherapy to program their unconscious minds that they were healthy and the doctors were wrong. It’s ten years later and Robert is healthy as a mule and off his drugs. Charles was recently pronounced ‘cured’ of his brain cancer. He’s the only known person on this planet to beat that type of cancer. Coincidence? Luck? Nope. The power of their minds healed both of them. I know.  I watched it happen.

The proof of our power is out there. So why are we modern humans so darned convinced we need the drugs and surgeries, that we’re powerless in the face of dis-ease and in life in general?

The Bottom Line

So what the heck does this have to do with business?  EVERYTHING.

Our ability to heal our bodies is physical evidence of the power of our minds. We can program ourselves, through our belief, to heal cancer, AIDS, depression and more.

Just think about what we can do with our professional careers and businesses when we focus and believe. After all, those pesky competitors pale in comparison to a deadly disease, now don’t they?

We have the power.  We can change the limited programming that is part of our social upbringing. We can step into our limitless potential.

All we have to do is believe….


If you want to read a book that will turn your views of medical science upside down, check out The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton. Our cells can and do teach us about the power of our minds to create and control every aspect of our reality!

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