Limitless Thinking: Where’s Your Focus?

What if you could expand your perspective toward a more limitless business potential, professional potential and life potential? That’s what limitless thinking is all about.

Last week I asked What would you do if you knew you were limitless?” just to get us started. Then on Friday we learned that our thoughts do create our reality. It’s scientifically proven.

So – if our thought create our reality, why don’t we all have the reality we want?   Welcome to limited programming. We all have it. I think it’s time we all learned to change those limited programs to create limitless realities.

Where’s Your Focus?

The first step is something we can all do. Right now, begin to focus on what you want. 

Here’s why it works.  Your unconscious mind:

  • Uses programs from your past experience to select your reality at any point in time. Upgrading these programs often requires special techniques (what I call quantum mind mechanics)to change our limiting beliefs.
  • Also uses your point of focus and expectation, at that same point in time,  to select your reality. We can all change our point of focus and expectation! 

Bu we focus on what we want  all the time, don’t we? Not really. We’re programmed to focus on what we don’t want.  Our unconscious mind does not process  negatives.

So when I say, “Don’t think about a purple dog,” you think about a purple dog. That’s because your unconscious mind selects and feeds your conscious mind the data associated with your point of focus…a  purple dog. It can’t focus on a “not” purple dog. It’s designed to focus on  your specific point of focus.

The same goes for thinking like, “I can’t lose that contract,” ( UM hears “lose the contract”), “I don’t want my competitor to win that deal,” (“My competitor to win that deal”), and more.

We’re all so bloody programmed to focus on what we don’t want. It’s part of that programming we discussed last week. It’s embedded deeply within all of us. The great news is – we can change!

Take the First Step into Your Limitless Mind, Right Now

We can begin to change that program by consciously focusing on what we want. So pick something you want to happen and focus on it. IF you slip and start to focus on the lack of it – that’s ok. Simply laugh, tell your unconscious mind it was a joke and what you really want is ______ (Whatever you want).

Focus on one simple thing that is achievable and realistic. That makes it easier than something you have a hard time believing. For example – try focusing on purple cars on your drive to and from your office, or on orange sweatshirts or people smiling at your wherever you go.  Make it something simple and easy to recognize.  Then pick something else, and something else. As your confidence grows, start picking simple steps forward for your business or professional self.

Then build up to larger and more limitless beliefs as you see the power of your mind to create your point of focus.

It works folks. My clients and I will tell you it works. My life and theirs is proof positive.


Photo courtesy of and Stuart Miles

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