De-Evolution: When is Enough Enough?


What the hell is happening to humanity?  Everywhere we see the de-evolution, full speed ahead.

  • The bullies in our world have been empowered to be even more cruel to others…yet how many stop the bullies vs jump on the band wagon to participate the rage ride?  Facebook is now the land of attacks. Is that the new normal?
  • Human rights are MIA from 3rd world countries, U.S. politicians call for atrocities against the rights of US citizens and we’re now fueling the racism and even the fascism of yesteryear.
  • Another kid shoots up a school.  We shake our heads in sadness and ask How Can it Be. Then take it in stride and move on to the next atrocity. Gotta have those guns!
  • The police who are meant to protect us have become another source of bullying and fear. Are you willing to stop for a cop on a dark road?  Not me and I’m white.
  • Our planet is warming. I don’t care what the science deniers say, nor do I care what the bought and paid for scientists say. Look around and use your brain.Climate change is real and if we want our children’s children to be able to eat and  breathe, we’d better step up.
  • Then there’s the total lack of respect for laws by the corporations who profit in our country, even as they hide their profits (and our tax dollars) offshore. From Walmart to Apple, Whole Foods to whoever, company after company’s crappy human policies show that the humans who run these companies have indeed lost their humanity, not to mention their integrity. The government leaders they pay off to get by with all the shenanigans?  Don’t get me started.

A simple scroll through FaceBook or any news media can send chills up your spine; hatred and bias, political stupidity and largess that must have our forefathers rolling in their graves. Then there’s the growing power and greed of the wealthy, the growing disillusionment and dis-empowerment of the rest of the population.

We’re witnessing the perfect storm of human de-evolution. A storm where rage replaces respect, aggression overcomes graciousness, profitability trumps people’s rights and fear or anger have become an innate part of life.

We Protest, We Rant, But When Do We Act?

Walmart is packed again, Apple is now the size of Google and Yahoo combined and continues to grow, we walk past the homeless and look the other way. People shoot more people every year in the US, salaries and quality of life degrade as corporate profitability and the wealthy of the 1% soars.  I won’t even mention the racism that’s everywhere, even in our police. The evidence is right in front of us… yet do we do anything to change these trends?

We post our posts and rant our rants. But the masses continue to be programmed to act and think as sheep.  Powerful lobbies, corporations and the wealthy are using proven methods of mind programming to literally turn we humans into a passive species.  A species that is easy to control.

Think that’s a conspiracy theory?  Think again. Our screens put us into highly suggestible trances, our media, politicians and more use hypnotic speech in every single communication. Even as our supposed entertainment is designed to make violence and death as common in our kids’ lives as pouring a glass of milk with cookies.

Yet we wonder why; the shoot ’em up violence is becoming an every day occurrence, our incomes are lower and we’re working harder, our politicians are embarrassing and our leaders are backing whoever pays the highest fees.

It’s Time to Speak Out Against De-Evolution

I think it’s time the human race woke up. Stepped away from the programming and began to think for ourselves, to question what’s said and done, to really see the aberrant behaviors that will never be normal.

Trust me, children shooting each other is not the new normal.  So why in the hell are we allowing ourselves to grow accustomed to this behavior?

What I can’t figure out is why we don’t join together and fight back?  Not with anger and aggression, but with the power of our humanity.

  • Refusing to buy from those who disregard basic human rights and our country’s laws.
  • Stepping up to protect others from bullying wherever it may occur.
  • Getting out to vote, and voting out our government leaders that are obviously bought, paid for and focused on that 1%. Our votes can and will make a difference! We can START FRESH.

If we don’t begin to stand up for our basic rights, they will no longer be freely given. Anything but.

I know, you’re a single voice. But masses are made up of single voices. If we choose to use our voices. That’s the thing, we have to use our voices. through our votes, our dollars and our actions.

The Founding Father Premise

For those who think the founding fathers had all this in mind, all I can say is REALLY?

Uzis in the hands of children. Corporations controlling politics with tax-free offshore wealth. Candidate fisticuffs and the walling of America. Rage and rampages, outright lies and laziness. As our country crumbles in the eyes of the world (and a lot of us.)

Not even what the founding fathers had in mind.

The Bottom Line

When will enough be enough? How much de-evolution does it take to get us to stand up, speak up and take back our humanity, and our lives?

I don’t understand why it’s taken so long. We’re surely beyond the crisis point right now.

It’s time for every individual to step up. But how do we motivate the masses?

So what do you think? What will it take to get us to stand up, speak up and stop the insanity of de-evolution?

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