How to Avoid Mind Manipulation Techniques

mind manipulation techniques

Mind manipulation techniques are unfortunately a fact of life in our modern world. It’s been happening for decades now. From government leaders to corporate America, more and more mind manipulation techniques are being used to control our beliefs, fuel our emotions, trigger our behaviors and divide us.

Modern Mind Manipulation

Hollywood has long entertained and stretched us with the idea of our minds being controlled by something outside of ourselves. From George Orwell’s 1984 to  Jedi mind control, from the Matrix and our choice of pills to Dr Who – we’re presented with mind control as magic in so many forms.

But what if mind control isn’t just a product of Hollywood?  What if there’s more manipulation in our world than we’d care to see, hear or think about?

The evidence is increasing  daily. We are being manipulated by forces outside of our own minds. Here are a few examples to notice in your daily world.

  • Words from politicians. Pretty much every political speech given in America today is filled with hypnotic language and suggestions. Some use it more than others, a lot more. Think about the short phrases that a) don’t make sense and b) don’t answer the actual question or are irrelevant to the topic at hand. That’s a sure sign that mind manipulations  are at work.  I’m sad  to say this is true. That said, I’m trained to recognize such patterns. I can say that the manipulative use of such language and practices is rampant. I just shake my head. Practices that can and should be used for the support of humanity reaching it’s ultimate potential are being used by those who would control and manipulate us – and not for our best interests. 
  • Social and news media.  The media is using similar methods to spread their specific beliefs or intentions.  I spent some time analyzing both written and verbal news items. I was shocked at the level of manipulative language in every single article or video I reviewed.  Yes – the media has the power and the propensity to program our unconscious minds to follow and believe whatever angle or partisan focus happens to be in force within a network or publication. Wow.
  • Games. Most of us suspect that games have some form of addictive power. Did you know that gaming companies actually place subliminal messages within the games to create a positive response to the game? Not every game, not every company. But research has proven that the messages are there, acting on the unconscious mind of anyone who plays the game. Some say that since we know the messages are there we play at our own risk.  I’m not so sure I buy that argument. Especially when it comes to our kids.
  • Television. Flicker rate tests have proven that the television display alters alpha brain waves, producing a type of hypnosis. That’s pretty much old news for most of us, but it does explain the addictive nature of television. By the way, it only takes around 4 seconds in front of that tv to hypnotize your mind. Add the subliminal messages that are included in everything from weekly programming to advertising and you have a pretty manipulative medium. By the way, movies have the same subliminal content and the HD medium  is proving to be even more hypnotic.

These are only a few examples of the every day experiences and actions aimed at suggesting specific beliefs, behaviors and perspectives to our unconscious minds.

How to Protect Your Mind?

The good news is that you can easily protect your unconscious mind from the manipulation that is part of our modern world. You see, your unconscious mind is designed to serve YOU.  That means it readily and easily follows your instructions.

So – give it an instruction. A specific instruction along the following lines.

“Unconscious mind, I’m asking you to  allow into my unconscious and conscious mind only the information that is for my best growth, my true purpose and that will create positive results in my life.” 

That simple statement will protect you from the mind manipulation.  I say it to myself every morning. And it works.

You can also step into a state of questioning whenever you’re listening to the news or reading the new media. Ask yourself questions such as,” Who are the “experts” who say this is true? Where is the specific evidence? What does this media have to gain by promoting this belief or behavior?  What other options are there for me to think about? Where can I find more objective information on this supposed “truth.”  The simple act of questioning can and will open your unconscious mind to more options. Those options help you step out of the programming and into making your own choices.

The Bottom Line on Mind Manipulation Techniques

I hate to say it, but the fact is that using mind manipulation techniques is part of our modern world. Manipulation has been an accepted process in everything from advertising to PR for decades now. Now it’s part and parcel of our partisanship, our fundamental beliefs about what’s true and more.

The good news is that we can protect ourselves from mind manipulation techniques with the simple step of asking our minds to avoid the manipulation.

You’re probably wondering, “If we’re so easy to manipulate, how can it be so easy to protect ourselves?”

The power to be and do anything is right there – in your mind. You simply have to ask it.

And yes, it’s that simple. After all, it’s your mind.


Photo courtesy of and dream designs


  • Alli Polin

    August 21, 2013 - 5:21 am

    Rebel – How fascinating that such a simple sentence, when said to ourselves can help us better sift through all of the many messages coming our way. I have noticed, especially with my kids, how well advertising works. I’ve walked around a store with them and they say “oh my gosh! I want that! It comes as shown.” What? They say “that’s what the commercial says! Comes as shown!” Oh boy! They can hardly remember their spelling words from week to week but this messaging in shows and commercials stay with them for a long time. Enough! Thanks for pointing it out and pointing us in a positive direction.

    • rebel brown

      August 21, 2013 - 7:41 am

      Hi Alli

      Isn’t it amazing? We spend so much time seeking ways to manage and control our minds. When in reality – all we have to do is ask! Our unconscious mind is built to serve us. When we give it clear direction – it will do as we ask. I’ve used this simple technique for the past month or so as I grab an hour of late night tv or read a newspaper – and it works. I dont “buy” everything they say or ask me to do, I have more clarity and more questions come into my mind about the “facts” and reality behind whatever I’m watching or reading. Between asking your unconscious to filter information and simply asking questions- you can and will protect your mind!

      Thanks as always for stopping by and sharing!

  • Ivan Gruer

    August 21, 2013 - 8:46 am

    “Unconscious mind, I’m asking you to  allow into my unconscious and conscious mind only the information that is for my best growth, my true purpose and that will create positive results in my life.” 
    In a slogan I would say: “feel and think approach for doing life”
    Thanks Rebel,

    • rebel brown

      August 21, 2013 - 10:20 am

      HI Ivan!

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing! What a great slogan for all of us! When we recognize that the power is all in our own minds – we become limitless! Here’s to all of us taking full control of our power!

  • LaRae Quy

    August 21, 2013 - 9:31 am

    Great reminder that sometimes it’s possible to overcome big obstacles with simple techniques! It’s always a good idea to stop and think before jumping on-board with anything…I really think the emotional side of our brain trumps the thinking side in many of these situations.

    • rebel brown

      August 21, 2013 - 9:47 am

      Thanks for stopping by LaRae!

      The thing that’s really interesting about mind control is that the techniques are using hypnotic practices that put your conscious mind “under” in a matter of seconds. At the same time these techniques wake up your unconscious mind and open it for imprinting and suggestion. When thats happening – we’re already in the state to bypass critical faculty and our intuition (aka emotional mind).

      Thats why its so important to protect ourselves daily with a simple suggestion to our unconscious mind. Thats also why I included the suggestion and the questions in the post today.

      It really is that simple to proactively ask our unconscious mind to only accept what is for our best and higher purpose or intention. That proactively deflects the mind control methods before they can wipe out our critical and emotional filters…

      THANKS as always for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!!!

  • Dan Forbes

    August 21, 2013 - 2:46 pm

    Ok, I’ve turned off the TV and hidden the Video games, Actually, I rarely involve my time in either. And, as for political speeches and news programs, I quit those a long time ago.

    I was so sick and tired of the negative news on TV and in the newspaper that I gave them both up and feel much better. If there’s something really important going on, I’ll hear about it from others and give it due attention.

    I read the Wall Street Journal because of my job as a Financial Advisor. It’s a pretty source of important news too.

    I appreciate the message to direct to my unconscious mind. I’ll give it a try.

    • rebel brown

      August 21, 2013 - 3:13 pm

      HI Dan

      I’m so with you! I stopped watching the news and reading the paper a while back. SO tired of the gloom and doom without any coverage of all of the good and great things about humanity. My source now is The Week. It’s a great little collection of weekly news that shares balanced perspectives – if there are any balanced perspectives that is.

      I admit I still watch a bit of TV – SciFi to be precise. And then, well, I protect my mind by asking my unconscious to filter the information… and it works!

      Would love to hear how the technique works for you – if you ever venture back out into the land of mind control that is.

      Thanks as always for your support and for stopping by and commenting!

  • Lorraine Halliday

    August 22, 2013 - 1:14 am

    Learning to control our mind is our responsibility.
    and we should guard our mind and treat it gently until
    we have trained it, treating it as if it were an open wound.
    Why? Because our own mind manipulates too and causes us
    problems through our own selfish intentions.
    Unless we have trained it in love, compassion and wisdom we shall
    always be vulnerable to MEMEs.
    Being mindful of our thoughts, how we think and ultimately our wise intentions
    prevents harmful thoughts and actions coming through
    to us too.

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