Corporate Legends

Corporate Legends Live Long.  But we don’t always prosper.

What are Corporate Legends?  Well, those are the status quo beliefs and practices, based on our past, that we hold near and dear.  I see a lot of Corporate Legends in my consulting work.  How about I share a favorite with you as an example.

The competition has it so we have to have it too!

How often have you heard this refrain, from sales, marketing, product development?  Now that’s a lotta GForce!   Nothing we do that follows the competition will make us a market leader. It limits our thinking and we end up following in others’ tracks.

Yet all too often we make product or business decisions based on what our competitors have that we don’t.  That may be a good thing in some instances – but following this Corporate Legend can never make us a leader.  In fact – too much focus on the competition will steer you away from your customers. If you want to follow someone’s lead, follow your customer, not your competitor. 

How about another example of a Corporate Legend? 

We can’t grow in a down economy. Everybody is hurting.

Talk about Gravity and self-limiting beliefs!  Do you believe market leaders think like this? I can tell you they don’t.  Leaders see opportunity in every experience.  They focus on the “I can” not the “I can’t”. They know that inside of every situation there is an opportunity – if you look for it. Want examples of companies soaring through this impossible economy?  Try Nu Skin, Southwest Airlines, Apple – not to mention big oil and financial services. Although those last two aren’t exactly politically correct.  My point is – leaders look for opportunity.  Followers give in to the Gravity.

These are just a couple of examples of Gravity. Gravity is all around us.  Here are more examples of Corporate Legends if you’d like to check them out. 

The good news is that we can all ditch Gravity. We simply have to think differently and be prepared to change our beliefs and practices about our business, our markets and our own personal abilities. 

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