What if Your Assumptions are Wrong?


Assumptions are one of the biggest threats to business results.   Why?

We assume based on our individually perceived version of the past.

We’re all designed to create  our own unique assumptions based on our expectations and experiences, about our markets, our business, our buyers and more.

We apply what we assume to the world around us as truth. We assume our minister is a grand person and our leaders are conscious and astute. Uh huh.

That is the very problem with assumptions. Instead of seeing the reality of what is happening, we see a reality we create thanks to our beliefs, our fears and what we expect to be true.

Which means we often don’t see the opportunity or issue that’s right in front of our noses, until it’s too late.

How do we avoid making assumptions that don’t apply to our reality today or our future?

Stop Making Assumptions. Start Asking Questions. 

Questions open our minds to new possibilities. Open our eyes to see accept what is actually happening around us.

Questions move us beyond the assumed reality of what we want to see and into new perspectives.

What kind of questions?

It’s really simple.  Instead of viewing your assumpti0n as truth – question that assumption to prove it wrong.

Take the opposite stance and question, question, question.

You’ll find the truth on the other side of questioning that assumption.

Image courtesy of jefflangevin

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