Quantum Journeys

Journey to the Life You Deserve

Our life experiences define the very fabric of our lives.

Trauma, whether it be a capital ‘T’ or a small ‘t’, weaves in emotional pain, twisted with anxiety, fear, and overwhelm. It expands these threads over time.

It’s an unconscious program. And typical methods to heal it aren’t effective.

THERAPY and medication simply mask the emotional pain.

True healing comes from a different path.

We find our healing for our emotional pain in our unconscious minds. 

Our unconscious mind records our life. It remembers everything that impacted us. While you may not remember consciously, your unconscious mind knows. Everything. When you cut the threads of emotionally painful or traumatic programs in your unconscious mind, everything changes.

I created Quantum Journeys™ to release the threads of your past from your present and future. WE also define what you truly want in your future, creating the life experience you want.

Imagine leaving those limiting threads behind forever,
in gratitude and peace.

My Personal Quantum Lifeline Story

What to Expect

We all constantly communicate with our conscious minds, but we don’t communicate consciously with our unconscious. We haven’t been taught how.

Quantum Journeys change that. 

These sessions join your conscious, thinking mind with your unconscious, quantum-driven, sensory mind. We then engage with your unconscious mind to define the life you want.

WHy Quantum? 

We exist in a quantum field, filled with limitless possibilities. Our mind selects which possibilities we experience based on what it thinks we want. When we journey into our quantum world, we can consciously teach our unconscious mind exactly what we want to experience in our future. We can also shift our perceptions and beliefs from our past, empower our present and future beyond limitations.

In personal, private, 1-1 guided journeys, we explore your quantum lifeline; past, present, and, yes, your future. We communicate with your unconscious mind, using the sensory insights it needs to truly understand what you want. Your unconscious mind then does what it is designed to do… use your quantum field to shift your present and your future in the direction you desire.

The experience is nothing short of magical.

Quantum Journeys are highly sensory and creative. They are energizing, inspiring, and transformational.

Step into a new mind, a new freedom and the new Unstoppable You!

Rebel’s Certifications

Creator - Quantum Journeys™

Trainer - Hypnotherapy

Trainer - Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Trainer - Neuro-Coaching

Master Coach- Timeline Therapy™

Master Coach - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Full Initiate - Huna

Master - Reiki

Level 2 Coach - Epona Equine Therapy