What Would You Do if You Knew You Were Unstoppable? 


You were designed to be unstoppable. So what happened?

We can thank society and all of its negative programming for our forgetfulness.

Recent studies show that before we turn 17, we’re told “we can’t” about 150,000 times. We’re told “we can” only 5,000 times. That’s a 30:1 ratio favoring the negative. No wonder we limit our lives, our beliefs about ourselves, and our goals. 

You are Unstoppable

You weren’t born with the fear and limitations you carry today. You were born to believe in your unstoppable potential.

Yet, we’re all programmed to be limited. From the moment we’re born, we’re told what we can’t do, shouldn’t do, and won’t be. Some of this programming is well-intentioned. After all, we don’t want kids running in front of cars or sticking their heads into fires. 

Still, thanks to the overwhelming focus on the negative, fearing the worst possible cases… we train our minds from a young age to focus on the negative. This negative focus further empowers our survival instincts, the fight, flight, or flee response. We end up on higher alert for longer time periods than we were designed to be.  

In today’s world, this limiting programming is increasing. 

Negative Creates Negative

Just look around at our world. We have the media and its thirst for the sensational over the factual. The media is  fed by a steady influx of geopolitical turmoil, violence, random rage, climate concerns and outright lies by those who would seek power. 

Here we are, taught habits that cause us to look for the negative. In a world throwing the negative at us every minute. Living with a mind designed to emphatically respond to any negative threat with a focus (survival instinct) that directs our attention away from what we actually want.

The good news is that we can all ditch those habits. to step into our ultimate and powerful selves. 

Focusing on the negative isn’t who we really are. It’s just a habit of thought.

We can change it.

Imagine Being Unstoppable

Back to my  simple question. 

What would you do, what could you do if you knew you were unstoppable?

Think about it for a moment. Imagine the possibilities. Imagine waking up every day knowing that you have the power to achieve anything you set your mind to. How would that change your life? How would that change the way you approach your goals and dreams?

In today's fast-paced, high-stress world, it's more important than ever to recognize and challenge these less than helpful habits. 

Many are dealing with anxiety, overwhelm, burnout, and feelings of unworthiness. 

Many have been searching for answers, and too often, traditional therapy or coaching hasn't provided the solutions we need.

Here’s the rub.

We are logical and spiritual beings. It’s time to embrace both aspects of ourselves, through science and through the knowledge of our spiritual and sensory selves. We are, afterall, the blend of both worlds, right there in our mind designs. 

All the logical analysis and evaluation in the world doesn’t shift the habits and beliefs our sensory-driven unconscious mind has created and continues to create. 

How Can We Get What We Want?

How do we shift our habit away from focusing on the negative or the potential negative? 

Here’s a first step. 

As you go through your day, pay attention to your thoughts. Notice the moments in your life when your thoughts tell you to limit your performance, your dreams, your health, and your actions. You might even jot those thoughts down and start looking for the patterns that limit your professional and personal self. 

Be sure to pay special attention to the limiting thoughts that repeat and repeat and repeat some more. Those represent key beliefs encapsulated in your mindware programs. Beliefs that need to be mind shifted. It may be that you need more sophisticated methods than this simple technique.  If so, just reach out to me. I’m always here to help.

When you find a repeating limiting thought, STOP. Shift to the opposite of that thought, an empowering thought of what you want. Now imagine a situation in your minds eye where that thought is coming into reality. Step into that situation and pay attention to it in its sensory details; color, brightness, clarity, feelings, sounds, smells and tastes if they are there. Every time that limiting thought comes up, shift your attention. Unless the belief is deeply programmed, you’ll begin to notice the thought appear less often, as your new positive thought takes its place.  

The great news is that at any point in time, the power of our human will, and our ability to reprogram our minds, is far greater than any limiting program.

By the way, I still do this exercise. It’s become a habit now, a habit I’m very happy to have :)

The Bottom Line

We are not solely left-brained logical computers. We are also energetic beings with senses that equally impact our lives.  Science has focused on our logical, physical, matter-based world, physical form we live ina world of matter and energy equally apparent in our divergent mind design 

Let’s start by recognizing that the negative programming we’ve been subjected to is not the end of our story. It’s just the beginning of our journey to uncover our true, limitless potential.

Take a moment to sit with yourself, perhaps over a cup of coffee, and reflect on this: You have the power within you to change your narrative. You are not defined by your past or by the limitations others have imposed on you. 

You are capable, worthy, and unstoppable.

When you know you are limitless, there is nothing you cannot achieve.

What one thing will you do today that begins this journey?  One thing that you would do, knowing that you are unstoppable?

Image courtesy of felipinpp


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